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  • Adjusted WOE Trial Castles and Time.
  • Added Capture the Flag to Battleground Rotation.
  • Battlegrounds Happy Hour set to 9-11AM and 5-9PM +8GMT.
  • Fixed WOE Breaker Announcements.
  • Added Server Side Skill Delays.
  • Added Axis' Lost Heart Quest (Valentines Quest)
  • Added Cupid Angel and Cupid Bubble to gef_fild11,gef_fild12,moc_fild11,moc_fild14,prt_fild02,abbey01,abbey02
  • Adjusted Warper Respawn Points of Alberta, Amatsu, Comodo, Einbech, Geffen and Rachel.
  • Added Valentines NPC in our Main Office.
  • Fixed PVP Ladder not showing the PVP Rankings and enabled Announcements and SFX.
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